
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Turbo C`s Hot Key

Hot key will help you more conveniently for a fast working of your programs.

Hot Keys:

  1. F1 - activates the help system
  2. F2 - saves the file currently being edited
  3. F3 - loads a file
  4. F5 - zooms the window
  5. F6 - switches between windows
  6. F7 - trace
  7. F8 - step
  8. F9 - compiles and links your program
  9. F10 - toggles between the main menu and the editor
  10. ALT+F1 - last help screen
  11. ALT+F3 - allows you to pick a file to load
  12. ALT+F5 - switches between environment screen and output screen
  13. ALT+F7 - previous error
  14. ALT+F8 - next error
  15. ALT+F9 - compiles file to .OBJ
  16. ALT+C - activates the compile menu
  17. ALT+D -       "    the debug menu
  18. ALT+E -       "    the editor
  19. ALT+F -       "    the file menu
  20. ALT+O -      "    the options menu
  21. ALT+P -       "    the project menu
  22. ALT+R -      "    the run menu
  23. ALT+X - quits Turbo C
  24. CTRL+F1 - request help about the item which contains the cursor
  25. CTRL+F9 - runs the program   
Note: if one of the following hot keys the are listed above are wrong
            kindly take time to comment for the re-correction of the info. 

Turbo C`s Main Menu

The main menu is used to choose an instructions for the Turbo C what to do.
There are two ways of selecting the main menu, First, by arrow key to move and
highlight the selected menu and followed by pressing the enter button. Second,
by simply hitting the alt key + the desired menu to select.

Example: alt + F for file or alt + P for project.

Menu item with its description:

File - Loads and save files,invokes DOS, and handles directories.
Edit - Invokes the Turbo C Editor.
Run - Compiles, links and runs the program currently loaded in the work area.
Compile - Compiles the program currently in the work area.
Project - Manges multi-file projects.
Options - Sets various compiler, linker, and the environment options.
Debug - Sets various debug options.
Break/watch - Manages debugger watch expressions and break points

Note: if some of the info above are wrong kindly take time to comment for revising the entry.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Printing Out Hello World

To print out "Hello World" line, we need the fooling elements in our program.

  1. Header File - provides the printf( ) function.
  2. Main Function - starting point of the program.
  3. Printf( ) Function - this function will be the one to print out the line.
  4. Getch( ) Function - ends the program.
Desired Output:

printf("Hello World"); 

Remember: In printing out strings don't ever forget to put double quote in the
 start to end of the line.Do not leave statements without semicolon 
that indicates termination.

Note: If there`s wrong about the info. please take time to notify me.
"For the coming days I'm going to post some sample and basic
logical programs in C".


Download link of Turbo C:Download TC.exe

Note:You need to register in the site in order to download TC.exe

MS-WORD Shortcut Keys

In making documents in a word 
processing program like microsoft
word, there are features that
we canuse to save time and effort
in making a professional looking
documents, and that feature is 
the keyboard shortcuts.I know
 hat many of PC users or NET
users knows a bunch of k-shortcuts but 
for the sake of some people that don`t 
know yet..! I compiled some of the 
useful keys.

NOTE: If some part of this blog entry related to MS word have
a wrong can leave a comment or email me to 
clarify and change it.

Keyboard shortcuts for Document Action

        Action                                            Keystroke
  1. open a file -                                      CTRL+O
  2. new file -                                          CTRL+N
  3. close a file -                                     CTRL+W
  4. save as -                                             F12
  5. save -                                    CTRL+S or SHIFT+12
  6. print preview -                                CTRL+F2
  7. print -                                              CTRL+P
  8. show/hide paragraph symbols -         CTRL+*
  9. spelling and grammar -                         F7
  10. help -                                                  F1
  11. find -                                              CTRL+F
  12. replace -                                        CTRL+H
  13. go to -                                           CTRL+G

Keyboard shortcuts for Text Style 

        Action                           Keystroke 
  1. font face -                       CTRL+SHIFT+F
  2. font size -                        CTRL+SHIFT+P
  3. bold -                                    CTRL+B
  4. italics -                                  CTRL+I
  5. underline -                             CTRL+U
  6. double underline -           CTRL+SHIFT+D
  7. word underline -            CTRL+SHIFT+W
  8. all caps -                       CTRL+SHIFT+A
  9. change case -                      SHIFT+F3 

NOTE: A plus sign indicates the the key need
               to be pressed at the same time

MS excel Functions

Studying different kinds of programs like
Ms-excel is a part on learning the
fundamentals of being an IT student. For
 me I hate excel because, when our
instructor taught us on how to use excel,
 Im absent that time so Ive`d miss the
discussion and the result.?...I did not
learned mush more in excel. But i would
like to share this info related on excel

Microsoft Excel - is primarily a spreadsheet program for making sense out of numbers.

Excel functions:
  1. Average - get the average of the array of numbers.
  2. Min - displaying the smallest number in an array of elements.
  3. Max - "           "             "           "            "          "        "
  4. If function - ex.=if(A1<75,"true","false")  /  syntax.=if(logical test,true,false)
  5. Sum If function - ex.=sumif(E1:E6,"=165",F1;F6)  /  syntax.=sumif(range,criteria, sum range)
  6. Sqrt function - display the square root of a number.  /  ex.=sqrt(A10)
  7. Count function - count the total element within the range.  /  ex.=count(A1:A6)
  8. Countif function - ex.=countif(E1:E6,165)  /  syntax.=countif(range,criteria)
  9. Median - display the middle element in an array.
  10. Hyperlink - syntax.=hyperlink(link_location,name).
NOTE: If some part of this blog entry related to MS word have a wrong can leave a comment or email me to clarify and change it.