
Monday, December 17, 2012

PHP - Brief History (Chapter 1)

Rasmos Lerdof  – the creator or the father of PHP and he is also an Engr. Of Yahoo.

           PHP stands for “PHP Hypertext Preprocessor”. And the first version of PHP that Lerdof made for his personal website is PHP/FI means “Personal Home Page/ Forms interpreter. Rasmus made his personal site to put his own bio data hoping that could someone will get his attention that he needs a job.The first version was never use outside Rasmu’s site, the main purpose why do Rasmus made the first version is to enhance his website to make it more lively and more interactive to the user or web visitors.

In the help of this two guys they construct the new Version of PHP:

1.      Andi Gutman  
2.      Zeey Suraki

And then the version start to make history that leads 10% of all website used PHP 3 and later on quickly spread widespread. And more versions come.
       PHP 4

o   Re-architecture the PHP from ground up Optimization, Scalability etc.
o   Burst upon a piece called Zend Engine, built in earlier object oriented programming introduction of classes.
 PHP 5

o   More improve (OOP) Object Oriented Programming.
o   It introduced the new future languages like JAVA and also introduced simple XML, SQLite, Database.

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